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Necromancy Within Lyshoria - A problem with our Youth

One can't say enough about the vicariousness of youth. History has recorded their folly of testing the boundaries of civil order their wiser elders have established. And one such idiocy I wish to put to script this evening as the sun fades into the horizon.

My fellow scribes, let me share with you, the new fascination we term as Necromancy. There is no denying the appeal this form of sorcery has had on the younger generation, both highborn and common. But why is such a foreboding art being embraced by the young? We know from our volumes of elven script that such a form of magic is fraught with peril. The elves and the ancient shamans who first settled in Lyshoria warned of its application. With this in mind, we must ask ourselves some very pertinent questions.

1. Where did Necromancy within Lyshoria originate?

2. How was such knowledge unlocked for the tender minds of our youth?

3. Is there a significant danger?

The first question may be the easiest to answer but once posed, could invite unnecessary tension with other races within our realm. As you all are aware, most customs from ideology, fashion, and the institutions of faith, all stem from the nobility. Trends established by the nobility flow downward until adopted by the gentry. They in turn spread through their mercantile channels until it eventually reaches those of low birth. However, according to my research, the interest of necromancy appears to have moved in contradiction with our flow of culture. Though it is believed some nobles dabble in this dark art, it is apparent that the source of this trend originated with the lowborn. And since the majority of this class lacks both the education and pedigree to fully comprehend the forbidden arts, then one can surmise that the lowborn are gleaming this forbidden knowledge from other races who naturally possess a propensity with arcane study.

The answer for two of our questions falls upon the elves and the satyrs within the various woodland domains. (Special note: I do not include the Highland Elves due to their sparse population and isolationism. I also omit the shadowfey, as their craft is far too complex, even among astute wizards.)

Let me be clear. I have no ill feelings toward these races and should inquiries be made by the Triarchy temples, they should be done delicately and with discretion.

I approach the final question with years of experience and a fair amount of wisdom. Interests and trends th

at stem from our youth are fleeting at best. While animating a corpse of a dead cat or causing one's rose bed to wilt may be disturbing, I do not see any danger to the realm of Lyshoria that warrants panic. In truth, the lowborn, where this trend flourishes, lacks the aptitude and breeding to expand such arts to a dangerous level. Again, Necromancy is no great concern. As with most trends within our youth...this too will fade in short order.

Bernard Trahan

Master Scribe of Raven Grove

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