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House Thornhelm

The origins of House Thornhelm can be traced back to Elderwood forest. Like most of the oldest Houses of nobility, they lived a tribal existence - warring against rival tribes to claim dominance over the lands. The Thonhuhl tribe; Horn of the stag, was a tribe that ascended and carved out a domain of their own. Over the centuries, the strongest families of the tribe called themselves House Thornhelm and ruled over many territories in their region.

Heraldry of House Thornhelm
House Thornhelm

Within the dukedom of Larelle, they erected the city of Thornton, the seat of their family's domain. After the High Council Delegation created the boundaries of all the dukedoms of Lyshoria, it was decreed that the ruler of Thornton would be made the Marquis of the region.

Heraldry: Green stag upon a purple field.

Motto: Light and Law

Ruler: Lord Bertan, Marquis of Thornton.

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