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Council of High Lords

The Dukedoms are formed by the High Council
The High Council

Between potential external threats abroad and continuous warfare among the lords, the strongest and most influential nobles across Lyshoria gathered to determine a road for unity. Within this conclave, many ideas were addressed concerning the Laws of Domain. Some embraced the need for a King to rule over the land. Other nobles supported a parliamentary system comprised of noble and merchant classes, while more radical ideology wished to include even the peasant class in government. Some even proposed a theocratic system.

While all ideas were heard, after several weeks of compromising, a consensus was achieved. It was agreed that Lyshoria would be divided into twelve regions ruled by a Duke. His authority would be absolute in his domain, though he would still be required to uphold the feudal laws that were agreed upon during this conference. Some of these laws included hereditary rights, title rights, and land ownership to name a few.

The council also agreed to meet for two weeks prior to the Summer and Fall harvests to discuss current and potential laws. Overseeing this council would be an Archduke who would be elected by the council, and upon his death, would be replaced following a new election. The Archduke would serve mostly as an administrative authority, having the power to veto three laws every session that the majority agreed upon. The Archduke also had the authority to muster the armies of no more than three dukes, provided the threat was external. Internal conflicts were still within the purview of each duke, but the Council also allowed a forum for these grievances to be expressed.

The Council also decided that a new calendar would be established since there were countless time recordings that were calculated throughout the realm. To expedite this process, it was agreed that the conclusion of the initial Council would start the timeline at 1.

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